Supporting Membership/Membership

If you wish to extend your support to our work, we welcome you to join us as supporting members.

Application-form for Supporting Membership or Membership

I do herewith apply for the supporting membership/membership of the Bangladesh Study and Development Centre ( BSEZ ) e.V. ( in accordance with the Association-Rule § 3 )

Or, to download printable form by pdf version, click here.

The membership-fee is determined by the member himself. The minimum-fee is 35 Euro per annum. It is suggested that you authorise us to collect the fee from your bank if you are living in Germany. The finance-report is presented in the annual meeting of the members.

Authorisation for the Bank

Herewith I/we authorize Bangladesh Study- and Development Centre e.V., Margeritenweg 7, 51674 Wiehl, Germany, to collect the memberchip fee retractably in an amount of __ Euro per year by debiting the personal account...

Bank code:
at Bank:

Place, Date, Signature

Or, to download printable form by pdf version, click here